How to Make Turmeric Tea

How to Make Turmeric Tea

Modern medicine is only now beginning to confirm the benefits of turmeric. The active compound in turmeric is curcumin, the spice that gives Indian food its characteristic yellow color. Turmeric helps joint and bone health, aids in the clearing of skin plagued with acne and even heals the scars of bad acne. Turmeric tea can be made easily and benefits your health if taken multiple times a day.

Things You'll Need:



Ginger powder




Small pot



Measure 4 cups of water into a small pot and bring to a boil on the stove. Make sure that the water has come to a full boil.


Add 1 tsp. of turmeric and 1 tsp. of ginger powder to the boiling water and reduce to simmer for 8 to 10 minutes. This will extract the beneficial compounds from the turmeric and ginger. Ginger has many benefits for health also.


Remove the pot from the stove and strain the tea into a cup. The particles of turmeric and ginger will be filtered out.


Add honey to taste and a slice of lemon. The honey and lemon will make the tea a bit more palatable.

Tips & Warnings

Drink turmeric tea 2 to 3 times a day. Since the recipe makes 4 cups of tea, you can make it in the morning and drink it throughout the day until it is gone. Being natural, it will not harm you if taken 4 times a day.

How to Make Tiger Balm

How to Make Tiger Balm

Tiger Balm liniment has been used to relieve overworked and sore muscles for hundreds of years. It was originally used by Chinese healers and herbalists who used it to soothe the aching muscles of Chinese emperors. It's economical and easy to make, requiring only a few natural ingredients and a little of your time.

Things You'll Need:

10 drops eucalyptus essential oil

10 drops peppermint essential oil

5 drops clove essential oil

Вј cup emu oil, coconut oil or extra-virgin olive oil

1 tbsp. beeswax

Small metal or glass containers

Complex Tiger Balm


Combine 1 oz. of the beeswax and the mineral oil in a saucepan over low heat. Heat only until the beeswax melts. This is the jelly. Pour it into a container and set it aside.


Make an essential oil mix by combining the ginger (optional), camphor,
, eucalyptus, wintergreen and peppermint essential oils in a glass bottle or jar.


Combine the remaining beeswax, the menthol crystals and 1 oz. of the jelly over low heat. Stir it constantly and heat it only until the beeswax melts.


Let the mixture cool for a few minutes and then add 5 tbsp. of the essential oil mix, stirring until mixed well. Pour the Tiger Balm into the containers and allow it to cool completely.

Easy Tiger Balm


Heat the beeswax and emu, coconut or olive oil in a double boiler with the burner turned to low heat. Heat, stirring constantly, only until beeswax melts.


Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the essential oils.


Pour the Tiger Balm into the containers and allow it to cool completely.

Tips & Warnings

Add an ounce of cinnamon and cloves essential oils, if desired.

Use adequate ventilation when preparing the Tiger Balm as the aroma of the warm beeswax, essential oils and camphor is powerful. A fan would be helpful.

How to Make the Most of Your Physical Therapy

How to Make the Most of Your Physical Therapy

If you've ever been injured to the point where you need physical therapy, you probably know that the actual visit to the physical therapist is only part of the recovery process. Much of what you need is in your head and heart, and not in the doctor's office. With that in mind, injuries that require physical therapy are best treated in four ways-by paying attention to your physical therapist, by paying attention to your body, by communicating with your physical therapist openly about the injury and by keeping track of your progress (or lack thereof).

Things You'll Need:

Health insurance

Physical therapist (your health plan can recommend one)

Pen and notebook or journal


Specific device the physical therapist instructs you to use


Know that after your injury, a doctor will tell you if you need physical therapy or not. If you do, make an appointment as soon as possible to start on the road to recovery. The faster you attack the problem area, the more quickly it will heal.


Start keeping a journal of your progress and any highs and lows. Mark on your calendar the
and times of any issues that arise and be sure to bring those issues up with your physical therapist during your next visit. The more openly you communicate with each other, the more the therapist will be able to address and potentially solve any problems.


Be sure to follow the directions if your physical therapist gives you any sort of exercise or training device and do the required exercises diligently. There is no need to spend money on physical therapy if you aren't willing to do the work necessary outside of the doctor's office.


Keep a positive outlook as it will do wonders for your recovery process. Physical therapy is one part physical work and two parts mental and emotional. If you believe you can recover, you will. But you still need to do the exercises and steps recommended by your doctor in addition to keeping a positive attitude. One does not work without the other.


Keep in mind that if, after following their advice and doing the exercises for several weeks, you find that you are not getting the results you desire from your physical therapy, don't be afraid to ask to try another therapist and try a new approach.

Tips & Warnings

Do not do anything that causes you further pain! If you are doing anything that hurts, or if your physical therapist is moving your body in any way that causes pain, stop immediately and let them know.

Do not overexert yourself prematurely. Follow the doctor's advice and their timing.

How to Make Tea For Body Aches

How to Make Tea For Body Aches

In this article you will learn how to make a tea for body aches using chamomile. Chamomile tea is not only good for body aches but also for bladder irritation and nausea.

Things You'll Need:

Tea ball

Teapot, sauce pan, or cup

Sweetener (optional)

Dried chamomile herb


Bring 1 cup of water to a boil in a teapot on top of a stove. Once the water comes to a boil turn the heat off and allow the water to stop boiling.


Add a heaping tablespoon of dried chamomile herb to a tea ball. Make sure the tea ball is closed tightly and then add it to the teapot.


Allow the hot water and herbs to steep for five minutes. The longer you let it steep the stronger the tea will become. If you like strong tea then I suggest letting it steep for ten minutes or so.


Once the chamomile tea has steeped long enough to your liking you can then pour the tea into a cup and drink it hot or allow it to cool and place a few ice cubes into the cup of tea. Add your favorite sweetener to the cup of tea if needed.


Enjoy this interesting yarrow tea to help lower high blood pressure.

Tips & Warnings

If you would rather, you can place a cup of water in the microwave, and let it stay in there until it becomes steaming hot and then follow the directions for using the herbs and tea ball in the water.

If you don't own a teapot or don't wish to use one then simply use a small sauce pan in place of it.

Do not drink if you are allergic to the herb chamomile.

If drinking hot then be careful how hot you drink it, allowing it to cool some, so that you don't burn yourself.

Do not add a larger amount of herbs than the amount that is stated within this article.

How to Make Spiritual Incense

How to Make Spiritual Incense

Spiritual incense is used to freshen the air and clear the room before meditation. It's also useful to clear negative energy and to prepare a new home for move-in day. Its other many beneficial qualities include soothing and relaxing the mind, as it promotes a peaceful feeling and clarity of thought.

Things You'll Need:

3 tbsp. sage

1 tbsp. myrrh incense rock

1 tbsp. frankincense incense rock

1 tbsp. powdered rosemary

1 tbsp. kosher rock salt

Simple Spiritual Incense


Grind the frankincense, cardamom seed and cinnamon bark to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle.


Store the incense in a small sealed container or a zip-lock bag.


Place small spoonfuls of the incense on hot coals.

Clear-the-Air Spiritual Incense


Stir the sage, myrrh, frankincense,
and kosher rock salt together in a glass bowl.


Put your incense in a plastic or glass container and store it in a cool, dry place.


Heat the incense on hot coals or a heated brick or rock with a flat top.

Tips & Warnings

Fresh herbs are preferable in making spiritual incense, but if they aren't available, powdered herbs are acceptable.

Before burning your spiritual incense, be sure that nobody is allergic to any of the ingredients. Incense can sometimes trigger allergic reactions.

How to Make Sinus Relief Bath Oil

How to Make Sinus Relief Bath Oil

Combine sinus relief oil made of pure, natural, herbal essential oil with the soothing power of hot water. The result will be an aromatic steam that will not only be inhaled to relieve sinus pain, but will also be absorbed through the skin. Herbal sinus relief bath oil will benefit mind, body and spirit. Read on to learn how to make sinus relief bath oil.

Things You'll Need:

2 oz. extra virgin olive oil

3 oz. sweet almond oil

2 oz. sesame oil

2 oz. canola oil

1 oz. wheat germ oil

8 drops lavender essential oil

8 drops eucalyptus essential oil

8 drops tea tree oil

Sterilized jar with a secure lid

Eucalyptus and Peppermint Sinus Relief Bath Oil


Drop the peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil into the small bottle.


Place the cap on the bottle and shake it until the oils are blended.


Fill the bath tub with hot water, and drop the eucalyptus and peppermint sinus relief oil into the running water.


Soak in the tub for at least 20 minutes, breathing deeply.

Sinus Relief Bath Oil With Lavender


Place the extra virgin olive oil, sweet almond oil, sesame oil, canola oil and wheat germ oil into the jar and shake well.


Add the essential oils one drop at a time.


Replace the lid and shake again until the mixture is thoroughly blended.


Use approximately 2 tsp. of sinus relief oil in a hot bath. Soak for at least 20 minutes, breathing deeply.

How to Make Sanitary Napkins

How to Make Sanitary Napkins

Homemade sanitary napkins are an eco-friendly and frugal alternative to disposable pads and panty liners. Made with flannel or other thick cloth, they are both washable and reusable. Learn how you can save money (and the environment) my making your own menstrual pads.

Things You'll Need:

Sewing machine with a zig zag stitch




Snaps or safety pins


Understand the anatomy of a sanitary napkin. To be usable, the napkin must have several components and layers. The center, which will absorb secretions, must be thick and soft. Several layers of fabric, such as flannel or sweatshirt material, should line the inside to be both comfortable and absorbent. The outer lining should be made from a fabric that is soft and breathable, such as cotton.


Know that cloth pads are just as hygienic as traditional paper and plastic feminine hygiene products. Aside from taking a few minutes to clean, versus throwing paper ones away and contributing to environmental hazards, cloth pads are easy to use and reuse.


Cut a rectangle of fabric that will be used for the inner lining of the pad. Double- or triple-fold the fabric to reach desired thickness.


Cut another rectangle that will "wrap" around the layered insides of the pad. Fold this outer liner in half, around the pad materials, and sew up the three open sides.


Make enough napkins so that you will always have fresh ones on hand. Part of the benefit to cloth napkins is that you don't have to worry about frequently changing disposable pads and wasting money. You'll feel cleaner and fresher knowing you have a new pad on.


Wash the pads by immediately placing a soiled pad in cold water. Wash after in a normal wash cycle, and dry.

Tips & Warnings

Another option for the interior lining is to fold two socks in half, and stack them.

Cloth pads stay in place. They do not require adhesive, safety pins or other methods for securing them in one spot.

How to Make Sage Peppermint Tea for Coughs, Sore Throats and the Flu

How to Make Sage Peppermint Tea for Coughs, Sore Throats and the Flu

When it's cold and flu season, I tend to reach into my "bag of tricks" for things that can help. My favorite tea blend uses sage and peppermint and can be used for a range of complaints including sore throats, fever, coughs, stomach upset, and a general feeling of fatigue.

I also enjoy this tea blend when I need a general pick-me-up. The stinging nettle in this blend offers extra vitamins and minerals and is something I reach for when I need a boost.

You may want to make a big pot and sip it throughout the day (just double or triple the recipe). If you decide to do that, steep it for 30 minutes before putting it in the refrigerator.

However, follow the instructions below for a single cup.

Things You'll Need:

1 tsp. dried stinging nettle leaves

1/2 tsp. dried peppermint leaves

1/2 tsp. dried sage leaves (rubbed)

Honey, to taste

Tea strainer that fits over the mug

Hot water


Collecting the herbs is the first thing you will need to do. Look for the highest quality you can find. Make sure that the herbs don't have any mold spots or dirt. They should also be a vibrant green color.


Combine the stinging nettle, peppermint leaves and dried sage in a small dish. Stir gently until well incorporated. Place in the tea strainer and fit it over a mug. Pour one cup of hot water over the leaves and steep for 10 minutes.


Make a large batch if you want and store it in an airtight container away from heat and light. For this, you'll need to use the "simpler's method." The formula will read: "2 parts dried stinging nettle, 1 part peppermint leaves, 1 part dried sage leaves." Simply choose a unit of measure and substitute it for "parts." If you choose cups, you'll need 2 cups stinging nettle leaves, 1 cup peppermint leaves, 1 cup sage leaves. Mix the leaves gently until well distributed. Use two teaspoons for every cup of hot water.


Use a quart size mason jar if you decide to make a 1 quart batch. Measure 4 teaspoons of the herb into the jar and fill it with hot water. Cover and let steep for at least 30 minutes.

Tips & Warnings

Use raw honey, if you can, for the extra enzymes.

You can also squeeze some fresh lemon juice for extra Vitamin C.

Make sure you consult with a doctor.

How to Practice Chakra Meditation

How to Practice Chakra Meditation

Meditation is an age-old technique practiced by many who claim that it focuses the mind while de-stressing the body. Ancient Eastern belief systems hold that the human body has 7 primary chakras, or energy centers, and that guided meditation visualizations can stimulate and release their power in your daily life. The practice of chakra meditation is used by many to combat fatigue and stress, and to promote overall physical, spiritual and mental health.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Chakra crystals (optional)

Know Your Chakras


Be aware of the locations of the 7 primary chakras and their proper names: the root chakra is located at the base of the spine, the naval chakra at your lower abdomen, the solar plexus chakra between your belly button and chest, the heart chakra in the center of the chest, the throat chakra at your Adam's apple, the brow chakra in the forehead and the crown chakra at the apex of your skull.


Memorize the colors of each chakra. The root chakra is red, the naval chakra orange, the solar plexus chakra yellow, the heart chakra green, the throat chakra blue, the brow chakra indigo and the crown chakra violet.


Know the properties of each chakra. All 7 have a primary function associated with them. The root chakra's property is "instinct," the naval chakra is "sexuality," the solar plexus chakra is "power," the heart chakra is "love," the throat chakra is "creativity," the brow chakra is "intuition" and the crown chakra is "higher knowledge."


Learn more by visiting the Learning Meditation page on chakra meditation (see Resources below).

Practice Chakra Meditation


Sit or lie down in your dedicated meditation space. Chakra meditation is one of few meditative forms that does not require you to be seated with your legs crossed. Your back should be straight, though, whether you are vertical or horizontal.


Deepen the draw of your breath. You don't need to worry about regulating it or breathing at specific intervals, so long as your breathing is not restricted and your breaths fill your entire lungs.


Feel your breath travel up your spine as you inhale and down your spine as you exhale. Repeat several times, until you feel your spine has been energized.


Begin with your root chakra. Imagine its color. Feel its energy collect. When you have fully visualized your root chakra, move up to the navel chakra.


Repeat Step 4 for each of your 7 chakras. When you finish, you may either stop or work your way back down. For each chakra, vividly imagine its color and the property associated with it. Feel that property awaken inside you as you concentrate on it.


Use chakra crystals to heighten your practice. Hold each chakra's corresponding crystal in your hand as you visualize it and feel its power.

Tips & Warnings

A basic set of chakra crystals is inexpensive, but bear in mind that the price will increase with the quality of the crystal. Stay within your budget while noting that some purists claim that high-quality crystals are essential for proper meditation.

Chakra meditation will not suffice as a substitute for proper medical care. If you experience chest pains, restricted breathing, severe throat irritations or any other worrisome symptoms in your chakra regions, you should consult a physician immediately.

How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working

How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working

Energy healing heals patients with the use of energy. There are many energy healing forms, but their common goal is to channel energy into the patient's energy field to heal and replenish lost energy. This method of healing is effective for many ailments including allergies, chronic fatigue, muscular pain and digestive problems.

Try an Energy Healing Treatment


Search for an energy healing practitioner. The Quantum Touch Web site offers a list of certified practitioners (see Resources below).


Know to arrive at your energy healing session with an open mind and a willingness to receive healing. If you have doubts or are skeptical, it may limit your healing session experience. Expect to pay moderate fees.


Relax on the massage table or chair offered to you for the treatment session. You may be given a choice of music and aromatherapy to help you relax.


Discuss any expectations you may have and any issues you may want addressed with your healer.


Expect the practitioner to know and use a variety of hand positions on your body or the energy field around you depending on the healing form she practices.

How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working


Keep track of how you feel in a diary before your treatment.


Expect to feel different sensations during treatment. As the healer channels energy into your energy field, you may feel the energy as coolness, heat or tingling on your skin. Some patients just feel relaxed.


Prepare for a release of emotions. As your energy field is being healed, previously stored toxic emotions are released. Some patients are moved to tears and some have an attack of giggles. The emotional release could take any form.


Try to drink lots of water in the days following the treatment because you may feel extremely tired or have a lot of headaches. This means that toxins are being released from your body. This is a sign that the energy healing treatment is working.


Expect to feel an improvement either immediately after the treatment or gradually in the days following. The amount of time it will take for you to feel some improvement will depend on the issues with which you are dealing.


Review your earlier diary entries and compare the way you feel after treatment to the way you felt before. This will also help you determine whether energy healing is working for you.

Tips & Warnings

Search for an energy healing practitioner with a considerable amount of experience.

For cases such as, but not limited to, stroke, vomiting blood, burns, chest pains and panic attacks, see a medical doctor immediately. Also call 911 for immediate assistance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Heal Your Aura With Energy Healing

How to Heal Your Aura With Energy Healing

Energy healing involves healing the body's energy field, which is made up of the aura and chakras. Diseases, from migraines to asthma, show up in the energy field before they manifest in the body. Healing the aura regularly is an alternative way to treat and prevent diseases.

Learn About Auras


Know that everything in the universe is made of energy. An aura is a three-dimensional energy field surrounding the body.


Be aware that the aura is an early indicator of disease before it shows up in the body.


Avoid poor diet, congested air, lack of rest, drugs, alcohol and other negative habits for a healthy aura.

Learn to See an Aura


Find a volunteer for your auric experiment or use yourself.


Use a room with a background color that is not too dark, too light or strong.


Make sure that the light in the room is soft but not dim.


Have your subject sit in a chair and stand a few feet behind. If you are trying to see your own aura, place a mirror in front of you at a comfortable angle.


Relax and assume a soft gaze.


Look at a spot just past the side of your subject's head and wait to see a field start to take form around the subject from the corner of your eye.


Do not look directly at it or it will disappear. If it does, however, you can always re-focus and try again.


Know that with practice, you will eventually be able to see the aura easily.

Learn How to Heal Your Aura


Wash your hands with running water then comb through the air around your body to clear your aura. Wash your hands once again when you are done.


Pass the smoke from smudge sticks of sage,
or sweetgrass through the air around your body. This method of clearing the aura is called smudging.


Soak in a bath of Epsom salt. The salt helps to heal the aura of negative energy.


Consider a treatment from an energy healing practitioner to heal your aura. The cost will vary, from moderate to high.


Learn more about your aura by visiting the Worldtrans Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Discuss your intent to begin alternative treatment with your doctor.

Seek emergency medical care if you are having problems such as difficulty breathing, dizziness, chest pain or uncontrolled bleeding. Call 911 or go to an emergency room for immediate assistance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Find Whether Your Insurance Covers Acupressure

How to Find Whether Your Insurance Covers Acupressure

Insurance coverage for alternative healthcare is on the rise. Acupressure is one of the treatments most requested by plan members. This ancient Chinese technique is an excellent choice for people looking for more natural ways to alleviate chronic pain, mood disorders, obesity and allergies. By applying pressure to the points on the skin called acupoints, the body's natural healing system is stimulated.

Things You'll Need:

Insurance card if your carrier covers acupressure

Internet with computer access

Know the Facts About Insurance Coverage


Read the fine print. Some carriers require that you obtain a referral for acupressure from your primary physician in order to receive coverage. Otherwise, you may be without coverage.


Check with your provider. Insurance coverage for something like acupressure may be covered under your plan's 'Alternative Care Packages.'


Ask your employer whether they opted for supplemental group coverage. This is a separate purchase and usually costs you only an extra 4-6 percent on your monthly insurance premium.


See whether your plan covers acupressure as part of the core benefits. This means that it is covered in the same way a visit to a pediatrician or other more traditional medical providers would be.


Find out whether you are at least eligible for a discount program. This means acupressure services would be at a reduced price with your insurance coverage.


Demand coverage. Let your provider and employer know that you would like coverage for alternative healthcare like acupressure.

Determine Your Eligibility


Contact your state insurance commissioner's office. They regulate insurance companies in your state and will be advised of the current companies providing coverage for acupressure. They can also tell you which treatment types are mandated under the law of your state.


Stay abreast of changes with your carrier. They may decide to cover you for acupressure, but you'll be the last to know if you don't stay on top of them.


Call your insurance provider. Ask a representative what the requirements for coverage are, such as state licenses and provider qualifications. Then you can see whether your regular practitioner is up to par.


Do your own acupressure if you can't get it covered under your plan. Learn how to proceed by visiting the Eclectic Energies Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If your provider covers acupressure, you are one of the lucky few. Not all companies offer coverage, which greatly reduces the cost of an office visit. Hourly rates can be pricey especially if you require follow-up visits.

Don't visit an acupressure practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms that require immediate medical care, such as heart palpitations, severe allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or memory loss.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Become an Energy Healing Practitioner

How to Become an Energy Healing Practitioner

Energy healing has fast become one of the alternative healing methods of choice for many ailments including allergies, depression and high blood pressure. There are many types of energy healing treatments and new ones develop daily. This method of treatment is in high demand and so are Energy Healing Practitioners.

Become an Energy Healing Practitioner


Research the different types of energy healing and find one that resonates with you. Popular forms include Reiki, Therapeutic Touch and Quantum Touch. You can learn about energy healing forms at The Energy Medicine Institute (see Resources below).


Be aware that every form has different versions, especially Reiki. This is because each teacher adds something to what they were taught and passes it on to their students. The students discover new ways to implement what they have learned which they, in turn, pass on to future students.


Find a teacher or practitioner of your chosen energy healing system. In addition to other questions you may have, find out how they trained, where they trained, their experiences with the system and what to expect.


Select a class near you for your chosen energy healing system. The cost of tuition will depend on the form you choose, the type of course you choose and where you go. It will vary from moderate to high.


Look for classes online. Many of these systems can be taught via the Internet.


Expect to pay much less if you take a course on the Internet. Many people offer free Reiki attunements. The only requirement is that you do the same for someone else.


Secure an office space.


Check for your city's ordinances if you prefer to work out of your home.


Obtain a business license and a Tax ID number.


Check your state's business regulations for other documents you may need.


Print your business cards and start advertising for clients.


Find and join a group of professional energy healers for support. You might consider joining a discussion group online.

Tips & Warnings

Alternative medicine is not meant to replace orthodox medicine. Encourage your clients to continue any medical treatment prescribed until further consultation with their physician.

Refer your patients to an emergency room or call 911 if they experience such symptoms as chest pains, shortness of breath, panic attacks or bleeding.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Get Attractive Plus Sized Jeans

How to Get Attractive Plus Sized Jeans

Shopping for plus size clothing can be challenging. Many stores carry plus size clothing that is dowdy and unflattering to a plus size woman's figure. Shop around in order to find attractive plus size jeans.


Go to a trendy plus size clothing shop. Newer specialty stores cater to women and girls looking for chic clothing in larger sizes. Hit the mall and check out stores like Torrid for plus size jeans.


Order your jeans online. If you are having trouble finding attractive plus size jeans, try to search online. Kiyonna is an online store that carries designer jeans in sizes over 12.


Buy your jeans at a store that has a specialty line for the plus size woman. The retailer Avenue has a line called Denim Lite. The jeans in this line are lightweight and stretch in the areas that you need extra room.


Look for boot cut jeans. A boot cut jean in a plus size lengthens your legs and slims your figure.


Choose sandwashed jeans. These styles of jeans are attractive and flatter a plus size woman's lower body.


Try the jeans on before you buy them, so you can decide if they are attractive and fit properly. To tell if they fit, the hem should fall in the middle of your heel.

Tips & Warnings

Avoid discount retailers for your plus size jeans purchases. Most of the styles that they carry do not fit properly and look unattractive.

Avoid flare cut jeans. This style can make the legs look short and bulky.

How to Get a Tongue Stud

How to Get a Tongue Stud

Open wide and say "ahhhhhhh." The tongue stud is becoming an increasingly popular form of body art. It's discreet, allowing you the pleasures of piercing without the scrutiny of a more conservative workplace.

Things You'll Need:

Extra-soft Toothbrushes



1/2 tsp. baking soda


Choose a licensed or well-apprenticed piercer who has experience working on tongues. Confirm that the piercer works with sterilized equipment and disposable hollow needles, wears new latex gloves for each client, offers only jewelry of piercing quality and is accessible post-treatment should you have any questions or concerns.


Take long, steady breaths when the procedure begins and focus your eyes on an immobile object. This will help keep your mind off the slight discomfort or pain you may experience.


Anticipate a lot of swelling. Initially, your piercer will insert a large barbell to accommodate your tongue's swollen state.


Prepare for a few days on a liquid diet. The swelling, discomfort and slight pain will make it very difficult to get solid food down.


Return to your piercer after a week for a new barbell that is appropriate for the normal size of your tongue.

Tips & Warnings

Go with the jewelry that your piercer offers, provided that it's titanium, stainless steel or niobium, the metals least likely to promote infection. Gold may not mesh with your body's chemistry.

Switch to a soft bristled toothbrush and consider baking soda if toothpaste stings your tongue.

Piercing can cause nerve damage if the jewelry is positioned improperly, and communicable diseases can spread during the procedure if it's performed with unsterilized equipment.

Tongue studs may crack or chip your teeth.

Your speech may be impaired for a few days until the swelling subsides and you get accustomed to your new jewelry. Consider undergoing the procedure before a long weekend or mini-vacation.

How to Get a Thong for Men

How to Get a Thong for Men

More and more men are discovering the benefits of wearing a thong. While adjusting to thong style underwear or swim wear can take some time, many men swear thongs are more comfortable, less intrusive and offer better support than other types of undergarments. Read on to learn more.


Consider the advantages of wearing a thong as opposed to more traditional styles of male underwear. They don't leave visible underwear lines, don't "ride up" and don't take up much space when you have to travel.


Go with a name you trust. Well-known designers like Calvin Klein and Greg Parry now make thongs for men, from a variety of both natural and synthetic materials. For the beach, you should also remember that thong style swimsuits for men are also becoming more popular.


Spend some time investigating the various thong styles for men. O-ring, C-ring, G-string, ring thongs and zipper thongs are among the common designs. They feature various waistband thickness, skin coverage and cup styles.


Shop online. Via the Internet, you can access a world of options in thong prints, designs and fabrics with the added advantage of complete discretion and anonymity. However, it is highly recommended that you know your size rather than just take a guess when buying online--most men find they need a thong that's slightly bigger than regular underwear.


Get specialized attention by visiting a store that specializes in sexy underwear for both men and women. While it's generally true that thongs are more accessible to women, an increasing number of stores that feature racy items for both sexes are stocking a selection of thongs for men. Because male style thongs are a specialty item generally only available at select retailers, the in-store staff will have more precise knowledge as to what size thong you'll need to get.

Tips & Warnings

If you take your sun tanning seriously, a thong bathing suit is an excellent way to minimize visible tan lines.

Start with one pair of thong underwear, rather than buying a bunch right off the bat. Stores don't generally allow customers to return or exchange undergarments, and you don't want to be stuck with a bunch of thongs that don't fit.

Always run your new thong underwear though the wash before you wear it. Other men may have tried it on while it was sitting on the shelf in the store where you bought it.

How to Get a Thong Bikini

How to Get a Thong Bikini

Thong-style bikinis are an increasingly popular and attention-grabbing way to look great at the beach, pool or wherever else you may have occasion to wear it. Widely available in specialty and

as well as online, you can get a thong bikini in a variety of different styles and fabrics. Read on to learn more.


Familiarize yourself with the different types of thong bikinis available. Just as with thong underwear, thong bikinis are available in G-string, V-string and traditional styles.


Weigh the advantages of shopping at specialty retailers versus a department store. While the staff at a specialty store will be more knowledgeable, their merchandise may be more expensive. Most department stores offer a good selection of thong bikinis at prices that may be generally lower, but you might not be able to get the specialized help you may need to choose the bikini that fits you best.


Try out a range of different materials to determine which you find the most comfortable. Thong bikinis are made with both natural and synthetic materials, or a combination of both. The most common natural bikini materials are cotton, rubber and silk. Neoprene, spandex and rayon top the list of the most popular synthetic fabrics used to make bikinis.


Shop online for easy, discreet access to a world of thong bikinis. However, this option is recommended only if you're certain about your size and the type of material you want, since you won't have the luxury of being able to try the thong on before you buy it.


Give yourself some time to get used to how your thong bikini feels if you've never worn one before. While some women find them initially uncomfortable, any discomfort you may experience will generally abate after you've worn your new thong a couple of times.


Expect to turn some heads on your next visit to the beach!

Tips & Warnings

A good rule of thumb is to buy a thong that's one or two sizes larger than you would normally wear. Sizing a thong can be a little unpredictable, and you'll find a thong bikini that's too small to be very uncomfortable.

Wearing a thong bikini is an excellent way to avoid getting unwanted tan lines. Just be sure to apply plenty of suntan lotion on all your exposed skin.

Many retailers won't allow returns or exchanges on swim wear, so be sure your thong bikini fits correctly before you buy it.

How to Get a Tattoo

How to Get a Tattoo

Did you ever want to get a tattoo but not know how or where to start?

Things You'll Need:


An idea of what kind of tattoo you want

A moderately high threshold for pain


If you do not already know what kind of tattoo you want, look in your local phone directory for a tattoo parlor in your area.


Go inside the parlor and ask them if they use new needles for each tattoo they do. If not, go somewhere else.


Pick your tattoo. Sometimes each artist has a portfolio of his or her work. There are generic tattoo templates as well that most artists can do.


Get your tattoo. At first it may sting but you'll get used to the pain after a little while. Sometimes the level of pain depends on where on your body you are having your tattoo. Spots with less pain have the thickest skin, for instance top of head, upper arm, and ankle.


Make sure you follow the artists' directions to the letter on how to take care of your new tattoo. Enjoy!

Tips & Warnings

Shop around and compare prices and quality

Listen to the advice of the tattoo artist on how to care for your tattoo

Make sure the facility has a 'new needle' policy

How to Get a Tattoo or Body Piercing

How to Get a Tattoo or Body Piercing

Body piercings and tattoos, ancient forms of adornment and beautification, are now found on all sorts of bodies. Few states have laws governing piercing and tattoo establishments or their practitioners. Before you let a stranger puncture your skin, shop around and find out how to mutilate your body safely.


Think hard about what designs you want. Collect art, leaf through books, and make sketches. A qualified tattoo artist will take what you bring in and transform it into beautiful art.


Place temporary tattoos on different parts of your body until you're clear where you want yours: Tattoos on your back or shoulder may look incredible, but you'll never see them without a mirror. Designs on your arms may be appealing, but you may tire of always having something there.


Consider long-term social or professional fallout for visible piercings and tattoos. While a particular style of body art may be appealing right now, ask yourself: Will you love it for the rest of your life? Will the indulgence of a moment eliminate certain career options down the road?


Evaluate your ability to handle pain. Does a tattoo hurt? Not as much as childbirth, but pain is considered part of the experience. Piercings are briefer. Location also determines pain levels--anything near major nerves (down the side of the leg, for example, or on or near bones) can be excruciating; the bigger the tattoo, the longer your agony lasts.


Ask about hygiene practices: In the age of AIDS, cleanliness is taken very seriously. Artists should wear gloves, sterilize their tools and work space, and use packaged, single-use needles.


Take your time and review lots of portfolios when choosing a tattoo artist. When you see a great tattoo, ask who did it. Look for clean, smooth outlines, and excellent use of color.


Be prepared to pay for an experienced, reputable piercer or tattoo artist. Tattoo artists charge by the hour and usually have a minimum (about $50), but designs can run into the thousands for large, intricate work. Common piercings (including jewelry) range from $50 to $75.


Insist on surgical-grade stainless, niobium, platinum or titanium steel jewelry, or solid 14-karat or 18-karat gold for all piercings until they're healed.


Review all procedures and risks ahead of time. Be clear on the after-care regime.

Tips & Warnings

Check the Association of Professional Piercers' Web site ( for studio recommendations.

Professional tattoo artists will not work on a client who is under the influence of judgment- or pain-altering substances, legal or otherwise.

Piercing in particular, but also tattooing, damages the body's natural infection barrier. Serious problems can include viral hepatitis, nerve and vein damage, and sexually transmitted diseases (most commonly with genital piercing). Tongue piercings are particularly prone to complications. If a piercing site looks infected, don't touch the jewelry, just get to a doctor.

A new tattoo is dressed with a bandage and takes up to two weeks to scab and heal. One medical journal reported people with tattoos are nine times more likely to be infected with hepatitis C. However, you can avoid many problems by choosing a sterile establishment.