How to Become an Energy Healing Practitioner

How to Become an Energy Healing Practitioner

Energy healing has fast become one of the alternative healing methods of choice for many ailments including allergies, depression and high blood pressure. There are many types of energy healing treatments and new ones develop daily. This method of treatment is in high demand and so are Energy Healing Practitioners.

Become an Energy Healing Practitioner


Research the different types of energy healing and find one that resonates with you. Popular forms include Reiki, Therapeutic Touch and Quantum Touch. You can learn about energy healing forms at The Energy Medicine Institute (see Resources below).


Be aware that every form has different versions, especially Reiki. This is because each teacher adds something to what they were taught and passes it on to their students. The students discover new ways to implement what they have learned which they, in turn, pass on to future students.


Find a teacher or practitioner of your chosen energy healing system. In addition to other questions you may have, find out how they trained, where they trained, their experiences with the system and what to expect.


Select a class near you for your chosen energy healing system. The cost of tuition will depend on the form you choose, the type of course you choose and where you go. It will vary from moderate to high.


Look for classes online. Many of these systems can be taught via the Internet.


Expect to pay much less if you take a course on the Internet. Many people offer free Reiki attunements. The only requirement is that you do the same for someone else.


Secure an office space.


Check for your city's ordinances if you prefer to work out of your home.


Obtain a business license and a Tax ID number.


Check your state's business regulations for other documents you may need.


Print your business cards and start advertising for clients.


Find and join a group of professional energy healers for support. You might consider joining a discussion group online.

Tips & Warnings

Alternative medicine is not meant to replace orthodox medicine. Encourage your clients to continue any medical treatment prescribed until further consultation with their physician.

Refer your patients to an emergency room or call 911 if they experience such symptoms as chest pains, shortness of breath, panic attacks or bleeding.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.