How to Find Whether Your Insurance Covers Acupressure

How to Find Whether Your Insurance Covers Acupressure

Insurance coverage for alternative healthcare is on the rise. Acupressure is one of the treatments most requested by plan members. This ancient Chinese technique is an excellent choice for people looking for more natural ways to alleviate chronic pain, mood disorders, obesity and allergies. By applying pressure to the points on the skin called acupoints, the body's natural healing system is stimulated.

Things You'll Need:

Insurance card if your carrier covers acupressure

Internet with computer access

Know the Facts About Insurance Coverage


Read the fine print. Some carriers require that you obtain a referral for acupressure from your primary physician in order to receive coverage. Otherwise, you may be without coverage.


Check with your provider. Insurance coverage for something like acupressure may be covered under your plan's 'Alternative Care Packages.'


Ask your employer whether they opted for supplemental group coverage. This is a separate purchase and usually costs you only an extra 4-6 percent on your monthly insurance premium.


See whether your plan covers acupressure as part of the core benefits. This means that it is covered in the same way a visit to a pediatrician or other more traditional medical providers would be.


Find out whether you are at least eligible for a discount program. This means acupressure services would be at a reduced price with your insurance coverage.


Demand coverage. Let your provider and employer know that you would like coverage for alternative healthcare like acupressure.

Determine Your Eligibility


Contact your state insurance commissioner's office. They regulate insurance companies in your state and will be advised of the current companies providing coverage for acupressure. They can also tell you which treatment types are mandated under the law of your state.


Stay abreast of changes with your carrier. They may decide to cover you for acupressure, but you'll be the last to know if you don't stay on top of them.


Call your insurance provider. Ask a representative what the requirements for coverage are, such as state licenses and provider qualifications. Then you can see whether your regular practitioner is up to par.


Do your own acupressure if you can't get it covered under your plan. Learn how to proceed by visiting the Eclectic Energies Web site (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

If your provider covers acupressure, you are one of the lucky few. Not all companies offer coverage, which greatly reduces the cost of an office visit. Hourly rates can be pricey especially if you require follow-up visits.

Don't visit an acupressure practitioner if you are experiencing symptoms that require immediate medical care, such as heart palpitations, severe allergic reactions, suicidal thoughts or memory loss.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.