How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working

How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working

Energy healing heals patients with the use of energy. There are many energy healing forms, but their common goal is to channel energy into the patient's energy field to heal and replenish lost energy. This method of healing is effective for many ailments including allergies, chronic fatigue, muscular pain and digestive problems.

Try an Energy Healing Treatment


Search for an energy healing practitioner. The Quantum Touch Web site offers a list of certified practitioners (see Resources below).


Know to arrive at your energy healing session with an open mind and a willingness to receive healing. If you have doubts or are skeptical, it may limit your healing session experience. Expect to pay moderate fees.


Relax on the massage table or chair offered to you for the treatment session. You may be given a choice of music and aromatherapy to help you relax.


Discuss any expectations you may have and any issues you may want addressed with your healer.


Expect the practitioner to know and use a variety of hand positions on your body or the energy field around you depending on the healing form she practices.

How to Know Whether Energy Healing is Working


Keep track of how you feel in a diary before your treatment.


Expect to feel different sensations during treatment. As the healer channels energy into your energy field, you may feel the energy as coolness, heat or tingling on your skin. Some patients just feel relaxed.


Prepare for a release of emotions. As your energy field is being healed, previously stored toxic emotions are released. Some patients are moved to tears and some have an attack of giggles. The emotional release could take any form.


Try to drink lots of water in the days following the treatment because you may feel extremely tired or have a lot of headaches. This means that toxins are being released from your body. This is a sign that the energy healing treatment is working.


Expect to feel an improvement either immediately after the treatment or gradually in the days following. The amount of time it will take for you to feel some improvement will depend on the issues with which you are dealing.


Review your earlier diary entries and compare the way you feel after treatment to the way you felt before. This will also help you determine whether energy healing is working for you.

Tips & Warnings

Search for an energy healing practitioner with a considerable amount of experience.

For cases such as, but not limited to, stroke, vomiting blood, burns, chest pains and panic attacks, see a medical doctor immediately. Also call 911 for immediate assistance.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary healthcare provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.